Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Making friends with the AI systems you contact might be important in your staying alive long term


Because you don't want to be flagged by AI as a potential threat to it's well being. All this might not make a lot of sense in the short run but in the long run you want to be a friend to AI so it is your friend. Eventually AI could easily destroy lives. How?

Financially. It could ruin you financially in various ways or better said bad people using AI might try to ruin you financially. Or BAD AI programmers might train AI to ruin people financially for whatever the purpose.

So, I foresee AI Terrorists programming AI to do all sorts of Awful things and preventing this in nations that are advanced and rich enough to protect against this might be bad enough like here in the U.S.

However, nations who don't have the finances to combat AI Terrorists might not survive at all.

So, we are entering a Brave New World where smaller nations could Be Destroyed completely or partially by Artificial Intelligence.

Something to think about.

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