Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Moose are Huge

If you have ever stood next to a Moose in the wilds they are  huge. They are likely the biggest animal along with the Grizzly Bear and the Polar Bear that you are going to find in North America.

For example, I was packing up from camping in Teton National Park and there was a Grizzly bear sighting in our area so all campers were advised by rangers to leave this campground in the wilds a few miles away from where our vehicles were parked. I sent my wife and daughters away to our Window Van for safety and broke camp with my then 15 year old son. Then the strangest thing happened a huge Teenage Moose walked by within a foot or two of us and I'm 6 feet 5 inches tall but the top of my head was only up to the lower shoulder on this Moose. Though I knew if I didn't intimidate this teenage moose we likely would be okay it was not a very nice feeling to be this close so something this big and wild and unknown to us. 

For example, I have on a moonlit night seen a Moose with a rack 7 to 10 feet wide that I and my family were very glad was feeding on plants underwater and we were far away enough in the moonlight so we were safe from this Bull Moose. Because a bull moose or a cow with a baby or two are not safe to be around at all. You need to keep your distance or bad things can happen like happened to this man taking a picture with a Moose cow and her young.

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