Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The better you are at knowing how to ask AI questions the better answers you are likely to get

 So, more than ever formulating questions that you ask yourself or others or Artificial intelligence will save more and more lives as time goes on. Because if the question isn't formulated right to begin with then you don't get life saving answers.

The story that exemplifies this for me is people playing cards in the middle of a road somewhere. They might not even know for sure that they are playing cards in the middle of a road because they might have been all drinking beer together and having a great time.

However, unless one of those people is alert enough to notice the semi Truck bearing down on them (Like Global Climate Changes) then those people might not survive what is coming.

Then the person awake or sober enough to notice the Semi truck bearing down on them has to convince the beer drinking card players that this is serious enough to get off the road. And this isn't an easy chore because complacence is often where people are at when having a fun time doing anything. 

So, can the awake and aware person convince the others to save themselves or can he "ONLY" save himself?

This is the question that faces all mankind in regard to Global Climate changes.

It's sort of like the person going to the doctor who says: "Doctor it hurts when I do this!" And the doctor replies: "Don't Do that!"

Life is like that. If we don't do what we need to do when we need to do it then often we are dead or maimed. 

Life is just like this on every level.

This is why I always listen to my Angels who will tell me what to watch out for on any given Day if I ask them or if I"m listening properly.

It's when you are so preoccupied with what you are doing that you cannot take on anymore information that people usually die or are maimed. It's when they don't listen to their better angels that they die.

Something to think about.

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