Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Most read articles as of Wednesday May 22nd 2024


The ultra-lethal drones of the future | New York Post 2014 article


reprint of: Drones very small to large most read articles from KYIV Post The Eniac computer was the first mainframe computer that resembles what we have today


The Sun (from


In some ways Madame Blavatsky reminds me a little of Mary Baker Eddy who started Christian Science in the U.S.


The Strand: Old English strond, meaning the beach or edge of a river


Count of St. Germain translated from French which would be the Comte De Saint Germain



Many religious movements of today sprang originally from Theosophy which is a sort of Universalist religious philosophy


Redirected from St. Germain (Theosophy)


Dow Closed at 40,003.59 a new high record for all time


Study links talc use to ovarian cancer — a potential boon for thousands suing J&J


The problem with AI doing computer programming: or Self Programming by AI


Why do I believe in both Saint Germain and Jesus?


I asked Chat GPT "What are some of the problems humans are going to encounter as AI self programs more and more?




The Comte De Saint Germain from the French Wikipedia all in French


A City is not really where you want to be in the heat


Antony Blinken's guitar diplomacy draws criticism in Ukraine


The Strongest Solar Storm in 20 Years Did Little Damage, but Worse Space Weather Is Coming


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