Monday, May 20, 2024

People who are intuitively gifted usually almost died one or more times while children

This sets them on a markedly different path than most other children. For example, in Junior high School my best friend had had polio and had to walk on crutches until he was 6 years old. However, walking on crutches had made his arms really really strong and he was thin and wiry so in Junior High school he set a record for the rope climb there that wasn't broken for at least 25 years. He didn't use his legs at all when climbing the rope only his hands and arms. Then he used his legs for braking sliding by down. So, he could go up that faster than anyone else for 25 years at our junior high school.

We both were very serious people because we had had to survive something really awful in our lives. I survived Whooping cough at age 2 barely and he had survived polio. And he had to deal with being rejected by his father because he was (weak) in his father's eyes. But, his mother and sisters were always there for him and his mother left his father in Ohio and moved to California where I met him when I just had had my first seizure and my parents didn't want me delivering newspapers on my bicycle anymore. So, I trained him on my Newspaper route and this is how we got to know each other. However, he went to a different grade school than me so we didn't become good friends until Junior High school when we moved to a new school district. 

We were both very stoic and had a high sense of honor and loyalty to friends. This wasn't really that true of most other people we knew in school either. So, we were both very rare in our seriousness towards life. 

When most people were being silly and doing crazy things and sometimes dying we were much more serious and careful because we had both almost died from more serious things.

Then after I gave him my Newspaper route I didn't stop having Concussion night time seizures for around 5 years time. So, I met him when I was 10 years old and I was 15 years old before my skull (Cranium) grew enough to let the pressure from the concussion off my brain and my night time seizures stopped finally.

In the process of this I was young and thought God was trying to kill me so I was pretty distraught at almost dying from each seizure. A seizure like I was having was exactly like someone murdering you only after you are strangled to death and go unconscious you wake up an hour or two later with your father trying to try your mouth open with a butter knife so you don't choke and die from swallowing your tongue.

If you were wondering why they didn't take me to the hospital they didn't believe in doing stuff like that.

So, finally at age 14 after knocking myself out in the middle of a seizure from a dead sleep I ran for my parents room so I wouldn't die and ran into the door to my bedroom ajar and broke my nose and woke up in a pool of blood around my head.

All these things and more contributed to my becoming incredibly intuitive.

Then I prayed to God to come live in my body with me so I wouldn't have to die. God did this and I was different after that. Then I was 15 years old and became very handsome and I was also well built and got my front teeth capped that were broken in a bicycle accident when I ran into a car on my bicycle but lived when I was 9. 

So, God came and lived in my body ever after that and girls sensed this and fell in love with me. This was hard to get used to (God living in my body with me). However, I did mostly like that girls were falling in love with me a lot but I also found it very confusing for a 15 year old too.

Then I started dating a 21 year old girl from my church when I was 16 and bought myself my first car with money I made working as an electrician in my father's business. Looking back now I think it was strange that my parents let me date a girl 21 when I was only 16 but I think it was because they wanted me to stay in my church to be like them more than anything else. also, when I was 16 it was 1964 which is a completely different world than now.

As a result of God living in my body always I found it difficult to deal with until I was around 30 years old and then I understood I was a blessing to all mankind because of God living in my body with me.

Why it was hard was supernatural things were happening in, through and around me directly from God all the time and I experienced these things and then other things God automatically did through me that I really didn't understand at all.

It would be like giving a 5 year old a Tesla that can go 160 in a few seconds (it wouldn't be a good idea) .

However, this was sort of my experience from age 15 to 30. But, finally by 30 I started to have peace with God living inside of me and changing things inside me and all around me all of the time.

By God's Grace

PS. The point of all this is that people who are gifted beyond the 5 senses usually have almost died one or more times while growing up and only because they wouldn't have survived otherwise are they intuitively gifted by God.

By God's Grace

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