Monday, May 20, 2024

When I first studied about computers in 1966 in College

At that time I had been trained as an electrician for wiring houses by my father since I was 10 years old. So, I knew a lot regarding electrical or electronic things because of this already. So, I wasn't surprised mostly by what I learned in college while operating College Computers and Punch card equipment whic was used then in 1966 because computer chips mostly then were in NASA not in the public domain.

It wasn't really until later in the 1970s or early 1980s that computers like the first Apple Computer came out. The first mouse that Steve Jobs created at apple was bought from another computer company that didn't see the value of the mouse but who had developed it. However, Steven Jobs ever an innovator saw the relevance in speeding up using a computer instead of having to type every thing in you could then just click on something and it would come up or access including whole programs you could click on and start them up with a mouse instead of having to type in usually one to 20 characters for each move.

So, a mouse sped computers up a lot especially home computers just starting in the 1980s. 

However, the Internet at least as we now know it didn't really begin until the 1990s with AOL and with dial up internet which was very slow.

When we switched from MS-DOS which I liked a lot to Windows 95 it made users who were less technical in their backgrounds could more easily become home computer users. So, the mouse and then Windows 95 and then the Internet really changed everything during this time.

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