Saturday, May 25, 2024

Who will tend to survive global Climate changes long term?

I asked Chat GPT 3.5 this question today and here is Chat GPT's response which I think is both succinct and useful in the way it answered this. In other words without co-operation between all or most groups it appears that not many people at all will survive all this. So, joining together to work on this problem both culturally and technologically will likely be the ONLY way many people survive this at all.

Begin quote from Chat GPT 3.5


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Who will tend to survive global Climate changes long term?

Predicting the long-term survivors of global climate change is complex and depends on various factors such as adaptability, resilience, resources, and cooperation among species and societies. Generally, species that can adapt to changing environments, have wide ranges, diverse diets, and reproductive strategies may have better chances of survival. Additionally, species that can thrive in extreme conditions or rapidly colonize new habitats might also endure.

Humans, being highly adaptable and innovative, might survive through technological advancements, changes in behavior, and cooperation on a global scale. However, the extent of human survival depends on our ability to mitigate climate change, address its impacts, and ensure equitable access to resources and adaptation strategies for all communities. In essence, resilience and cooperation across species and societies will be key to navigating the challenges posed by global climate change in the long term.

Thank you for your prompt response.

You're welcome! If you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, feel free to ask.

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