Monday, August 5, 2024

Hot in San Diego county

 I suppose it's all relative to where you live or visit. Where I live up near San Francisco on the coast it has been foggy a lot I noticed in weather reports and often 56 or lower at night and not over 60 to 63 during the day there.

However, here in San Diego County it's another story where temperatures have been mostly in the 90s which is pretty hot if you aren't used to it so it's been nice to have air conditioning in houses and buildings and cars and stuff while we are here. I find I actually do better in a warmer climate than where I live near San Francisco. There are less body aches and pains and mostly I just have to sleep without covers on or just a sheet or something like that at night so I don't wake up too warm.

I grew up in southern California from San Diego to Los Angeles Areas from 1952 until 1969 when I moved back to the San Diego County Area and then in 1976 I moved to Mt. Shasta for the first time with my wife then and baby son who would have been 2 in 1976. 

But, after 1976 most of the time I no longer lived in Southern California and mostly lived in Mt. Shasta, the San Francisco area and on Maui in Hawaii since 1976 when I last moved out of San Diego County where I was attending college there.

Anyway, most days it is over 90 degrees to 100 degrees here lately in north county and last night it never got below about 66 degrees either so the nights are getting warmer now too.

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