Saturday, August 3, 2024

I find playing video games too stressful sort of like riding a motorcycle at 100 mph in a cross wind

 Some people like the stimulation but I find it sort of overwhelming and not useful to me. Life is stressful enough without making it more stressful playing video games. At least this is my experience.

Even movies and other programs I find I like things more like Star Wars or Star Trek or Marvel superheroes as a way to escape the horror of everyday life around the world. I meet more and more younger people (under 40) who refuse to watch the news at all because it causes them not to be able to function in their lives and stay healthy. I actually understand this too and I have to be careful what I tune into very much in the news. I find even TV news programs often too hard to watch so I find myself fast forwarding through parts too awful to watch these days. But, video games I also find too stressful to watch or at least to play. If I'm watching someone else play video games just to be social that's okay. However, most of the time they don't interest me simply because I find them too stressful. Mostly these days at 76 I want more peace in my life and whether stress is good or bad in your 70s any stress whether good or bad might give you a heart attack or stroke one day. So, peace like you feel walking your dog on a beach somewhere is what seems to help me the most these days.

By the way if you have ever ridden a motorcycle at 100 mph in a crosswind you are lucky to have lived to tell about it because many don't.

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