Friday, August 2, 2024

I highly recommend getting a defibrillator pacemaker if you need one

 In 2020 I wasn't doing very well and thought I might die soon but we went to see a really good heart specialist and she told me that I should have a defibrillator pacemaker put in as soon as possible because she was worried that I might not stay alive otherwise.

I realized that she was one of the best heart specialists I had ever talked to and also I realized she had been a professor teaching other heart specialists to become heart specialists at a large Texas university before I saw her too.

So, even though I was really scared of getting Covid in the Hospital I got a defibrillator pacemaker installed. They cut a pouch into your flesh right above where you heart is usually and run wires down into your heart. It's sort of like having an apple Computer in your body protecting you from heart failure.

The other nice thing about a defibrillator pacemaker is that if your heart stops it automatically starts it again.

Before I had this done I was worried about feeling like a robot or something. However, that isn't what it is like at all. It's more like getting into your car and driving down the road where you trust your car to get you some place. 

However, with a pacemaker it does this too and so you are happy you are still alive for your family and friends ongoing. This is now just over 4 years ago as of last June by the way now. The one I have has a 10 year battery life too. So, likely it will be good for another 6 years time. Before this I had an irregular heart beat which killed my uncle too by 73 to 75 somewhere in there. However, I'm already 76 and still going strong in my life.

So, often the things you worry about getting something like a pacemaker are not really the things you should be worrying about (especially if you already drive a car very often) because often it is like the kinds of computers you have in cars that make them work now that you have in your chest with a pacemaker.

However, we all have to live with whatever decisions we make. Both my father and one of my best friends made decisions that made my Dad die at 69 and my friend die at 62. Neither of them had to die but they chose the choices they made.

Some choices mean you will die and some choices mean you will live. When I lost my father I was 37 years old and it caused me to break up with my wife eventually and then I remarried and had another daughter.

I don't want my children to experience the 13 years of trauma that I did when my father died. For me, it was middle Aged Crazy combined with losing my Dad and this was difficult for me to overcome until I almost died myself with a heart virus for the first time.

Now, I am grateful for every moment I have left here on earth with my wife and children and grandchildren and friends. Each moment is precious and each moment is Grace given to us by God.

By God's Grace

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