Friday, August 2, 2024

Why did I survive a Heart virus when everyone else I heard about died in 1998 and 1999?

 First of all the doctors told me I would die if I didn't retire. What was interesting about this for me personally was that I had been praying for "The Leisure to Practice" which basically means you want the time to pray 24 hours a day for your family, yourself and all mankind. I had prayed for this since 1980 when I realized "Leisure to Practice" was a real and attainable thing.

So, basically God almost killed me to give me this gift of "The Leisure to Practice". And the other thing is that I promised God to start a blog in 1999 if I ever recovered from this heart virus and I didn't die. Doctors finally realized I had had a heart virus in May of 1999 because they couldn't figure out what was wrong before even at Stanford Hospital next to the University in California.

So, one of the things that can happen with a heart virus is your heart cannot pump enough blood with oxygen to your brain so you likely are going to pass out a lot.

HOWEVER, if you panic (even once) while you are passing out (then you will die) no questions asked.

However, because I had studied with Tibetan Lamas in the U.S. and India and Nepal I knew how to do a disconnection meditation so I could disconnect from what causes panic in people and turn off my emotions completely. This is the main reason I survived when everyone else died in 1998 and 1999 in California. Also, they gave me Lisinopril which was very helpful too in staying alive.

So, every step of the way throughout my whole life God has intervened in my life and kept me alive sort of like a Lazarus ongoing where I almost die but then resurrect from the dead over and over again.

By God's Grace

Note: I promised God while waiting for a angiogram and electrical heart stimulation at Stanford Hospital near the university that I would start a blog to share all the things God had done ongoing in my life all the way back to the angels saving me from whooping cough when I was 2 years old when I saw them as a two year old save my life.

By God's Grace

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