Friday, August 2, 2024

What drew me to Tibetan Buddhism? Compassion for all life in the universe in the past, present and future

 First I found out that Buddha was a soul traveler like me (but a more exceptional soul travel from what I read about him).

He traveled to other worlds and dimensions and talked about billions of people living on these other worlds in space and time.

Then I started to understand compassion for all life in the past, present and future.

Then I read this prayer and this touched me deeply. I have given this prayer millions and millions of times now since 1980. I experience this prayer as already manifest in the past, present and future of the entire universe.

May all beings attain bliss and the cause of bliss

May all beings be free from suffering and the cause of Suffering

May all beings never be without the Supreme Bliss

That is free from all near and far all grasping and Aversion

By this merit may I become like all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the 10 directions and the three times.


When I first read this prayer I knew I was home to where I belonged in my experience of the universe.

By the time I experience this I was 32 years old and had already been a soul traveler for about 12 years time. By then I had traveled to the Galactic Core and met the Galactic Sentience who told me I was a relative of his. I had been out past the edge of the Galaxy and realized that the galaxy is a living organism that reminds me a little of a jellyfish drifting on the ocean. I realized we are all a part of this organism and I basically freaked out then when I left the safety of the Galaxy and came back to my body and was so terrified by what I had learned that I stopped soul traveling consciously for awhile. But, eventually I met Tibetan Lamas who are Tulkus and who soul travel like Myself and the Buddha too and I felt at home once again with my abilities.

By God's Grace 

I see myself now as a Mystical Christian Tibetan Buddhist at this point in my life but obviously we are all much more than any one definition unless that definition is "A Son or a Daughter of God" which says it all.

By God's Grace


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