Saturday, August 24, 2024

If you are into efficiency in everything you do then you tend to live longer

However, I see being efficient as sort of like a Game like playing chess because this was how I was taught to think about efficiency. In other words every time your new and efficient ideas work you can say: "Wow! I'm alive and happy because I spent the time to be efficient in whatever I'm doing.

Since my heritage is Swiss German on my father's side and Scottish on my mother's side both types of people tend to be fairly efficient in their lives. Why?

Because if you live in a really cold climate like both Scotland and Switzerland can be in the winters if you aren't efficient then you are dead or maimed by the cold weather. So, the people who survived in both countries (Especially from before about 1900) were either efficient or dead one of the two and that's all.

So, all the people that survived tend to be efficient too like their forebears.

And I have noticed that one of the most important things about surviving a long time is this constant game I play like Chess regarding efficiency in each and everything I do.

By God's Grace

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