Saturday, August 24, 2024

If you are a tourist from the U.S. or around the world just remember more people are killed in the U.S. by Bison (Buffalo) than by any other animal:

Why is this? They are a herd animal and the mothers and adult males will not run from you unless the whole herd is running too. Where are they all going to go? They stand and fight you instead if you get too close. You only have a second or two to escape if they think you are too close and then they will butt you down to the ground and then stomp your chest and head with their front legs like a Rhino does (same thing).

So, if you don't keep your distance from a male or mother Bison (Buffalo then often you are soon dead or injured at best.

begin quote from:

Yellowstone tourists often get too close to the bison. It doesn’t end well 1:04

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