Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Scientifically experiencing that you have a soul

Though it is true I cannot prove to you that you have a soul it is also true that you CAN often prove to yourself that you have a soul too.

I know this seems like a paradox but it is also an actual fact. For you to survive and go on in a physical body here on earth (at least this was true for me) I needed God to demonstrate that I actually had an immortal soul. If I couldn't do that then I was likely going to check out of this body and leave.

It's true that everyone is different in this but this was my response to being alive here on earth with my soul living in a body here. Life was just too difficult to continue if I didn't know for sure I had a soul to make it all worthwhile.

So, as Archangel Gabriel Gave me soul travel to make sure I would stay alive through my 20s because I had foreseen otherwise I wasn't going to survive my 20s, he actually gave me the gift of life itself. Because otherwise I wasn't going to stick around here and have my life be more ridiculous than it had already been from birth to 21 years of age. There needed to be a purpose for me to continue to stay alive at all.

Otherwise I saw no point at all to living on.

So, when I stepped out of my body (and didn't know it at the time) and walked into the bathroom in the desert at my father's best friend's house when I was alone out there I was terrified simply because I had never walked around without a body before and so I sort of expected to die when my arm went through the wall. I still had to pee but realized that wasn't going to work if I wasn't in my body too.

So, I wracked my brain trying to remember what I had read in a book in a mystical book store in La Jolla called then the Mythrus. And what it had said was to go walk back to your body and to lay down into it again and to become one with it because I was somehow Astral projecting my soul outside of my body.

When I got back into my body I was still terrified and still had to pee so as I was shaking and trembling in terror I walked back into the bathroom in my body and used the bathroom like I thought I was going to when I wasn't in my body.

However, then I had time to be really terrified and realized I couldn't deal with this experience alone and wanted to be anywhere else but there alone. So, at around 2am or 3am that night (likely at Saturday night) I got in my college car which was a 1966 VW Bug (but I also owned a 1968 Camaro that I had bought new when I was working as a computer programmer and operator before I went back to college in the early 1970s).

So, anyway, what is important here is that God demonstrated that a soul can separate from a body and that one could survive this separation (even though he also demonstrated how terrifying Astral Projection can be.

So, as I left after packing up my blue 1966 VW Bug with a white interior I said to God: "God! You almost killed me! Can't I have a good experience with Soul Travel and not be terrified out of my mine and not almost have a heart attack or stroke?"

God's answer to my prayer came within a month or two when I woke up in Rancho Bernardo where I lived with my parents then attending college for 2 years time. I sat up out of my body but I wasn't terrified this time because I was still joined to my body from my hips to my toes.

Then my Angel Soul wearing the same pajamas the other two of me were wearing came into my bedroom and lay down into me and we lay down into my physical body and I said to God: "Thank you God! I understand now."

Basically God had done as I had prayed and given me the experience I needed to be able to soul travel anywhere in our Galaxy or beyond. But, I didn't know that yet.

So, at first I used to go up onto the roof of my parent's place and sit and watch the stars and think about things when I bi-located out of my body. That's the other thing that God had taught me. Astral Travel is just too terrifying and dangerous and he didn't want me doing that and so he had showed me how to bi-locate which is much safer if you are traveling with Angels while doing this.

So, even if you can soul travel through bi-location you want to be traveling with angels so your body doesn't die while you are bi-locating. Bilocation simply means you are more than one place at the same time. I learned to tri-locate as well but now I prefer to be everywhere and everywhen in the universe with God all the time because the universe is a part of God's mind and if I am everywhere and everywhen with God if my body here on earth passes away from old age ever then I am still with God everywhere and everywhen.

So, after now about 56 years of soul traveling the last thing I wrote about being everywhere and everywhen with God to me is the most important so far.

By God's Grace


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