Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Summer of 1992 in Mt. Shasta: The amazing audaciousness of the U.S. Government to fly a UFO above the city of Mt. Shasta

 This is likely the single most audacious thing I have ever witnessed our government do. I have seen other things as well but this one takes the cake.

I was washing dishes in our rental house on 1 acre of Black Cherry trees, English Walnuts, Apple Trees and Blackberry bushes when I heard and awful racket. My wife and children were out at a Garage sale because then in 1992 you could get amazing things for almost nothing at garage sales in Mt. Shasta especially if it was some sort of estate sale.

So, I hear this incredible racket which when I went outside turned out to be three Chinook helicopters and each one had two rotors spinning and they are each capable of carrying 45 or more passengers. However, then I looked for the call letters and military insignia and there was none. So, I knew right away these were part of a Black OPs  scenario. 

Then much to my surprise the three helicopters with the tips of all rotors breaking the sound barrier which made and incredible racket with the tips of 6 rotors slamming the air I looked beneath this formation of three Chinook helicopters only to see a flying saucer. I forced my eyes to not blink because i realized I was witnessing likey a once in a lifetime event. Then suddenly, the UFO disappeared soundlessly and I was left amazed and wondering what was up.

I have had many years now(over 30) to process all this and realized I personally had witnessed time travel of this UFO to the future. 

But, the audaciousness of our UFO part of our government never will cease to amaze me to do this in broad daylight in the middle of a summer day without a cloud in the sky in the summer of 1992.

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