Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tech Noir appears to be a narcissist like Hitler and Trump

 There is a medical condition caused by childhood deep trauma usually that causes the personality Disorder called Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What happens is I believe the mind feels attacked and so the only thing that becomes important is the wants and needs of the person that feels attacked in their life. 

On One level being attacked like this or feeling attacked and subdued to the point where one psychologically in a deep way reacts like this isn't surprising to me given what I witnessed in the 1950s in what would be called "The general Torture of Children in the U.S. and Around the world". We were not treated really as human beings but as toys or furniture or as like clay to be molded into what adults wanted. The real needs of children in the 1950s were not even considered to be important. They were to be created into something by adults completely. So, the Fact that people like Trump and Hitler were so very wounded that they developed Narcissistic Personality Disorder is not surprising to me. Also, I know someone with Dependent Personality disorder and what all the Personality disorders have in common is that the people ALWAYS have to be right and can never be wrong or even admit they are wrong about anything.

So, you can see the dangers of someone with Personality disorder who can NEVER admit they were wrong about anything and how dangerous they would be in a position of power anywhere!

NOTE: And here's another problem with Personality Disorders often this cannot be treated through counseling because the problem runs too deep so this is a permanent condition for all or most people with this condition. and what is the difference between a Sociopath and a Narcissistic personality disorder?

I'm not sure there is one if you are realistic in how you look at this.

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