Wednesday, August 21, 2024

There are degrees of Narcissism: IN other words without some narcissism most men and some women would not survive here on earth

 In other words if you are a man most places on earth and don't take care of yourself, feed, cloth, work take care of yourself then likely no one else will either.

The same (historically) isn't true of most women even though the lines are blurring more each day now in ways I cannot fully fathom.

But, historically men if they were not narcissistic enough to take care of there needs often died as very young men or teenagers.

From my point of view I also was somewhat of a narcissist and was treated like Prince Freddie and my father treated like King Fred in my household growing up. and my mother and her mother took care of us like we were Lords of the realm. My grandmother was Scottish and finished growing up in Scotland and trained me like I was going to be maybe a Scottish Lord and to always tell people I was a gentleman and I think even today I think like a Scottish or English Lord and Gentleman a lot still and mostly this has served me well as I am very well behaved around people of authority or public officials or rich people like I was trained to be as a child of Mystical Christian Ministers.

So, a little Narcissim can be a very good thing because it allows you to survive when others who are more self effacing die in battle or get drafted or have really bad experience and die because they didn't either know how to take care of themselves or were not trained in how to protect themselves in all ways and were not protected by their elders growing up.

HOWEVER, I am very familial and as soon as I married and had a son this Gentleman Husband and Father came out and I was very surprised at who I became as a father, a husband and a provider when I started to buy or start businessess in my late 20s to better support my family after I married and had a son in 1974.

So, you have to be a little narcissistic to even survive at all as a man and not die between 12 and 21. However, if you take this too far you become sociopathic like Trump or Hitler.

So, where does it change from a useful Narcissism to a sociopathic narcissism. I'm not sure because this likely is different for every person.

But, if you look around you at the men still alive from 70 to 100 years of age, each of them had to be narcissistic enough to create a way to survive or they wouldn't have.

So, the best way to see the advantage of "taking care of yourself and protecting yourself" is likely to look at men who have already survived to 70 to 100 already. But, then there are people like Trump and Hitler who took this selfishness too far and became a threat to everyone. And this is what happened likely to Tech Noir as well.

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