Friday, August 16, 2024

There are two primary causes of Inflation: The covid years and Global Climate changes

 The Covid years 2020 through 2022 to 2024 caused people not to work indoors if they were above 45 yeras of age. Why?

Because they were much more likely over 45 years old to get covid or RSV or Bronchitis  or something else and die from it from a co-worker if they worked indoors where diseases thrive more. So, because people over 45 quit their jobs to work at home online or to retire companies had to pay more for new hires. This is one of the causes of the horrific levels of inflation we have seen making food and other things often Cost prohibitive and making even food banks run out of food more lately nationwide too.

However, it is 10 times worse or more in 3rd world countries around the world (INflation) and it is killing many more people there (inflation and heat without air conditioning) daily especially during the summers.

The 2nd cause is Global Warming and global Climate changes. 

As the climates change there are more and more crop failures caused by drought and floods mostly worldwide.

As of now there is no way to stop crop failures unless you grew all the food underground or in greenhouses that protect their plants from excessive heat and water and drought. Since this is even more expensive than what is happening now you aren't seeing this much yet except in richer nations.

So, there is no realistic way to stop inflation long term regarding Covid Changes and Climate changes even when people promise that there is. 

However, because I'm asking this question people might figure out ways to overcome both these obstacles over time. I just don't know how this would happen at this point at least.

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