Friday, August 16, 2024

Though my wife is good at attention to detail, I find I am better at sensing what the big problems are in life

So, there is this "You can't see the forest through the trees"

And then there is "You can't see the trees through the forest".

These are two of the types of ways of looking at things.

Traditionally speaking (not sure about now worldwide however)

Women often could not see the Forest through the trees because they were taught to remember the details to keep the children alive and fed and protected. For example, women after childbirth often don't sleep very well because they are always listening for their baby or young child's cry or sounds of various kinds the child might make in their room or another room.

Whereas men were taught traditionally to be watching outside the house for intruders whether those intruders were alone or in groups or even in armies attacking where they live. So, traditionally at least men were taught to concentrate on keeping their families alive.

For example, as an 8 year old I was given my father's Remington Pump .22 Rifle from when he was a boy by my Grandmother who was from a Wealthy Texas Family.

The reason this was done in America for the last 400 years or so is to protect the family from Animals and varmints and people who were crazy or criminals or both. So, starting around age 6 or 8 years old boy children were given guns and bullets to be prepared to shoot people or animals who might be causing or trying to cause harm to the family.

It's important to understand that the law (the sheriff or Marshall often was 50 to 100 miles away from many farms and ranches. So, because there were no telephones before about 1900 most places to call for help the only law was you and your children and their guns. So, this is why the tradition of arming children by the time they were 6 to 8 years old like I was in 1956 continued (at least until around the time of the Viet Nam War) when things began to change here in the U.S. probably because of the horrors of that war more than any other reason.  

So, in the 1950s and early 1960s boys were usually given a .22 Rifle by the time they were 8 to 10 years old and bullets to keep in their bedrooms. This was traditional. However, it was an honor that your family valued your mental and emotional stability to be able to give you a loaded gun to take care of and boxes of bullets too. So, if children were not trusted enough they weren't given guns to protect the family from animals and people. Though this might seem strange now it was traditional for at least 400 years here in America.

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