Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What are the two states that create the most intuitions in people happening?

People talk about the 5 senses but I would say that there actually are maybe 100 to 500 types of senses that people have. The reason that they only talk about 5 senses as scientists I think is that most scientists live in cities where often intuitions don't tend to work as well as when you are away from the hustle and bustle of a city.

However, one of the ways intuitions (life saving) trigger is if you are in danger from some source. You might get a dream or a bad feeling or whatever it is and if you listen to your feelings it might save your life or the life of a relative or friend.

The other more common types of intuition arise in the wilderness away from people when you "SLOW DOWN" away from all electronic device and even driving a car or even a bicycle and maybe sit on a mountain or by a lake with no one there. The Zen Buddhists have a phrase which is "Carry Water. Chop Wood" which predates all electricity and natural gas which basically means (in the wilderness or wherever you still have to drink water, clean yourself and stay warm and feed yourself or else you will die).

So, even if it is really nice where you are and even if you turn off all electronics and don't drive a car or even ride a bicycle, you still need to stay warm and drink water and clean yourself and eat food.

However, in the wilderness I find is where the most pleasant intuitions tend to arise.

The City ones where you sense someone is going to mug you or knife you aren't very pleasant in comparison to wilderness intuitions where you might one day solve all your problems for a day or even a lifetime.

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