Friday, August 2, 2024

What was it like to have a defibrillator Pacemaker installed?

This was in June of 2020 when Covid was bad so I was scared I might get Covid in the hospital which was common then. So, I wore a mask to prevent this occurrence and I was left alone in a pre-operation room for a long time alone which didn't help how I felt at all.

But, then a nurse who was good with people ( a male nurse) came in to cheer me up and tell me jokes before the operation. So, I was laughing at his jokes which were pretty good and then he told me about what they call "Joy Juice" which is what they give you to have this operation so you are conscious but you are so happy you don't care about what is going on at all.

So, pretty soon they put an IV into my arm and I feel like I"m fully enlightened and in heaven like Satori or Valhalla or just heaven like I have wanted to feel my whole life. I no longer cared what was happening to me because I had reached full enlightenment according to my personal experience at that point.

Then they didn't want me to see what they were doing to my upper left chest where they cut a pocket for the pacemaker to live in my body.

So, the first thing they did was put oxygen tubes up my nose and then they covered my head with a blanket so I couldn't see anything. However, remember I have reached Satori, Enlightenment from the "Joy Juice" so I have waited my whole life for an experience just like this so I didn't really care about anything else but what I was experiencing. However, I could talk to people if they asked me something too like if I was in pain or stuff like this.

This room looked a lot like the inside of a flying saucer or the bridge on the Enterprise in Star Trek by the way. There were several technicians and doctors there on various technology synching up the technology being installed in my chest for optimum functioning sort of like computer techs or computer programmers like that. So, there was this really otherworldly kind of Star Trek feeling to everything I was experiencing.

Then when the operation was over the Doctor said I was his best patient ever. I might have told him I had waited my whole life for an experience like that but I was pretty altered from the medications so I'm not really sure what I said.

Then they put my left arm in a sling so all the technology could get adjusted to my body and also my body could get adjusted to the technology. They kept me in a hospital room for 24 hours to observe me to make sure there was no infection and everything worked properly and then released me to my wife who came to pick me up after the operation.

So, basically it went pretty well and has ever since.

By God's Grace 

PS It did take me some time to get used to all this new technology in my body with a computer and a defibrillator and like I said sort of a mini apple computer in my chest above my heart cut into a pocket. But, eventually the incision and stitches healed up and then I could bathe and go into a pool or snorkel or anything simply because it was inside my body and not directly exposed to water or saltwater.

Also, I felt like about 5 years younger than I had before I had this done. Then about 2 years ago after my cardio-conversion (taser to the heart)  I also felt better than I had for almost 10 years after I started taking amiodarone too. However, the pacemaker I can keep changing and updating batteries and technology but amiodarone doesn't work forever. They said about 2 or 3 years most people have before it goes sideways.

What happens then?

I guess we will see what kind of medicines and technology are available then.

By God's Grace

But, so Far God has Graced me with 76 good years.

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