Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Writing to heal yourself and others

The easiest way to heal yourself is through reparenting. What does this mean?

It means that no matter how well meaning your parents or guardians were they made mistakes that didn't work when they raised you.

When you re-parent yourself, you create the person YOU want to be, and counsel yourself in the way you need, so you can consider staying alive and enjoying life instead of self destructing by trying to be what someone else wanted you to be in your past.

So, re-parenting yourself and teaching others to re-parent themselves is the surest way we can be happy enough to consider continuing to be alive ongoing.

How does one re-parent oneself?

By recognizing the mistakes made in how you were raised.

This is not about blame by the way as blame isn't really useful in all of this. Why?

Because blame takes away your personal responsibility to heal and grown from an egregious or mild event in your past. As long as you blame others,  you cannot correct the basic problem which is solved by taking personal responsibility for yourself as an adult, to address whatever happened in your life.

Why is this important?

Because you don't do this, you ALWAYS go through life as a victim of what another person or situation did to you.  You can re-parent yourself as the wise, kind and loving parent that cared for you to achieve a sense of your own great worth and empowerment.

The only way forward to a life worth living is self empowerment.

What is self empowerment?

Have you ever seen animals in the wilds of the world?

They are self empowered.

If they weren't self empowered they would already be eaten and dead.

Learning to be true to your own nature and your own self is the primary key to self empowerment.

I found self empowerment by surfing waves, hiking mountains, rock climbing and riding off road motorcycles, and driving on long trips alone or with friends. 

I found God for the first time at age 15 in Yosemite National Park visiting with my best friend and his family.

Self empowerment came after this experience of God in the Wilderness. The Wilderness is my church and God is in the Wilderness for me.

I didn't really find God in churches.  I found mind control in some churches; or people trying to take advantage of other people financially or sexually in churches.

Sometimes there are exceptions to this like the Daughters of Charity Chapel of the Miraculous Medal, in Paris, which houses the uncorrupted body of Catherine D' Laboure of France, a Daughter of Charity sister who experienced several visitations of Mother Mary who gave Catherine instructions for a miraculous medal for healing, the last such medal acknowledged by the Catholic church in 1860.

When I went there, angels greeted me and showed me how I should behave there in that sacred place.

But, this kind of thing is unusual so mostly I prefer to be in Wilderness places like the ocean or Yosemite or Mt. Shasta or places where I can commune more effectively with God and Angels.

By God's Grace 

I often write to heal myself and to better understand myself and the world around me.

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