Friday, August 9, 2024


Grief can sneak up on you and bite you in the ass like it did for me today.

I think what really triggered me likely was my youngest daughter who had come for her older sister's birth has to go home to another state tomorrow. This I think triggered me. At first, I thought one of my medicines was going sideways but after thinking about it all day I realize it just might have been  being here near where my parents and I lived here in Rancho Bernardo while I attended college here in the early 1970s at a local College and University. So, life never ceases to amaze me in the direction things tend to take.

I find it much harder to make sense of my life (at least emotionally) at 76 because I find I'm less resilient emotionally. I'm still very adaptable and can travel places (as long as the jet lag going and coming isn't too great). This is likely one of the things that harmed Biden in his debate is being jet lagged from Europe which is a really big thing from about age 70 on for most people. He underestimated how much it cost him to go to europe before a big debate like that.

IT's true I'm not 81 but I am 76 so that's only 5 years away for me if I make it that far.

People have been dying around me all the time since I was a child when people in church wouldn't go to the doctor and died as children or young adults or adults of any age.

So, to me, it's a miracle I'm still alive at 76 simply because I have been really working hard to stay alive since I was 50 years old and if I didn't have a good wife and a good life I likely would have been gone at 50 to begin with. 

But, God has been very good to me to let me live to 76 so far.

By God's Grace

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