Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Aliases were common in the 1700s among nobility in the same way actors who are famous use aliases to check into hotels now worldwide

It was much more common then in Europe because there wasn't the type of middle Class like now in Europe. People were usually either rich and educated or poor and ignorant and there wasn't much in between. So, one's survival as a Noble person often depended upon the aliases they used as they traveled from city to city on horseback or in horse driven coaches. Noble people mostly didn't travel on foot and there were no bicycles or motorcycles or cars or trucks then. So, trying to not be killed was more important when often common people might be criminals because they never went to school and possibly didn't know any other trade but by robbing or killing Nobility then.

Here are some of the names that The Count of Saint Germain used then in Europe and in England:

 Marquess of Montferrat (Fr. Marquis de Montferrat), Count Bellamarre (Fr. Comte Bellamarre), Knight Schoening (Fr. Chavelier Schoening), Count Weldon, Count Soltikoff (Fr. Comte Soltikoff), Manuel Doria, Graf Tzarogy, Prince Ragoczy (Ge. Prinz Ragoczy)

 Note: FR. just means while in France he was called this variation. for example, English:  Marquess of Montferrat and FR. Marquis de Montferrat.

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