Tuesday, September 10, 2024

However, if you take “Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani?” direct to English from Aramaic and not through Arabic or Hebrew or Greek:

 It literally means: "My Gods My Gods! How thou hast Glorified me!" 

So, it's not a question. It's a statement of Fact instead.

In other words the Gods had glorified him so he felt like he had fulfilled his purpose here on earth.

This is how I would interpret the translation difference myself. 

The other translation is the problem of running something through too many languages before it gets to English for the King James Version of the Bible. I wonder how many other inaccurate translations there are?

However, then there is the other point of view which is a true story I was told by a Tibetan Lama which was that he knew someone who meditated on a tooth because he was told it was the tooth of the Buddha and he attained completely enlightenment by so doing. However, finally in the 20th century when the tooth was tested it actually was the tooth of a dog.

However, the man's faith enlightened him using a dogs tooth instead of Buddha's tooth which is amazing in itself.

By God's Grace

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