Tuesday, September 10, 2024

I was raised to believe that Francis Bacon and the Comte de Saint Germain were the same person:

 So, if we do this chronologically if Francis Bacon was born: 22 January 1561 and then he became the Comte De Saint Germain at some point and then Ascended like Jesus?  in 1684 then he would have been 123 years old when he Ascended in 1684. So, if you believe this then you also likely have to add in the Philospher's Stone which allows people to live to literally any age. So, at this point if you believe all this then Basically Saint Germain never died and is alive today. However, then likely you believe that Jesus never died either but only resurrected and is still walking around on earth too?

Is this possible? ON some levels it is not only possible but probable.

But, that is entirely up to you and what works for you in your life.

Each person is going to have their own individual experiences with both Jesus and Saint Germain as we know. I was also taught as a child that Joseph, the father of Jesus was also Saint Germain and in my writings I also call Saint Germain as Arcane. However, the Soul of Saint Germain (according to what I was taught as a child) was also Saint Francis of Asisi, Milarepa from Tibet, Merlin the Magician and others. Then while in Rewalsar India (Tsopema in Tibetan)  I asked Saint Germain if he were Padmasambhava and he answered with violet lightning bolts from the sky and violet rain coming down there so I took this as a "Yes!". The violet lightning and rain went on for several hours by the way.

By God's Grace

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