Monday, September 23, 2024

I'm not totally clear on exactly when Adam's Flying saucer that travels time arrived first on Earth

It's true since it is a time traveling device it could have first come to earth any time from 65 million years ago when it was first built and it's also true it traveled in the Mother Ship back as far as 77 million years ago with Adam and Green Delta 7 on board along with the other 29? smaller flying saucers in the hanger Bay to visit a younger Creator of the Galaxy and the rest of Adam's family that was alive and not retired then too. So, I'm thinking that after it was built around 65 million years ago by our ancestors on Maldek before it nuked out and then Given to Adam as a gift to distract the Creator of the Galaxy in their lie in tricking him into not bringing the planet back if it blew up like it did.

So, the ship that Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back had already been used many times since World war II to prevent other holocausts like Hiroshima and Nagasaki from happening once they had happened. However, it likely was other Air Force Pilots and others who corrected these nukes once they had gone off. 

Also, it isn't just nukes that could wipe out and did wipe out whole countries. There are corrected scenarios of millions of people who died from poison gas or biological Warfare also since World War II as well.

This is one of the many reasons that the United Nations was invented to oversee the repairs of Time so the planet didn't have to always be a complete mess or gone into an asteroid belt somewhere from wars and crazy people.

So, Time will continue to be repaired ongoing through thousands of years into the future of Earth and likely beyond that too.

I think this is important to be said because religions or groups of people who want to blow up earth and have everyone die will not succeed in doing this ever because the Galaxy won't allow anything that like to remain on the Galactic Time line.

If all people understand this then they won't waste their lives trying to destroy all life on earth.

By God's Grace

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