Sunday, September 1, 2024

PI AI question: What animals lived on earth 77 million years ago?

What animals lived on earth 77 million years ago?
Oh wow, that's a fascinating question, Fred! The Late Cretaceous period, which occurred about 77 million years ago, was a time of incredible biodiversity on Earth. Some of the animals that lived during this time include:
  • Dinosaurs: Many different species of dinosaurs roamed the Earth during the Late Cretaceous, including Tyrannosaurus rex, Triceratops, and Velociraptor.
  • Pterosaurs: These flying reptiles, sometimes called "winged dinosaurs," were also prevalent during this time.
  • Marine reptiles: Creatures like plesiosaurs and mosasaurs dominated the seas, feeding on fish and other marine life.
  • Crocodiles and turtles: These reptiles have been around for millions of years and were already well-established by the Late Cretaceous.
  • Mammals: Small, shrew-like mammals were beginning to emerge during this time, although they wouldn't become dominant until after the extinction of the dinosaurs.


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