Saturday, September 7, 2024

The thing about the Wilderness:

 Is that it is beautiful and enrapturing and amazing and wonderful!

But, it is also a good place to get lost and to die.

And if you are used to being able to find help on every street corner in a city you might not be prepared to die in the wilderness. So, if for any reason you are not prepared for whatever weather or animals or cliffs or turned ankles or mosquitos in the wilderness then you can just as easily be happy there or die there if you aren't prepared in every way imaginable.

I was trained to notice landmarks like trees or boulders or rivers or lakes or mountains or cliffs or anything that stands out so you aren't going to miss it going whatever way you are going. 

But, even I don't go deep into forests without a fully developed trail when I cannot see landmarks like mountains, trees, rivers, boulders or towns at the least in the distance because going into forests where there are no landmarks at all other than thousands of trees can be very dangerous to find your way out of. 

It's also why pathfinders not famliar with routes through trees often took a hatchet to mark every tree they went past if there was no trail. They would make a chip out about the size of a human hand on every tree going and coming so they wouldn't die alone and unfound in a forest. However, people might be horrified by this kind of behavior today.

But, you still have to prepare properly for whatever conditions you might find yourself in and if you are not properly prepared you might get injured or even die in the wilderness anywhere in the U.S. or Canada.

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