Saturday, September 21, 2024

Trying to understand pre-galactic Creators:

Luckily, I also studied Anthropology at UCSC in Santa Cruz California.  So, because of these studies I can more easily imagine what the Creator Species that we all come from as presently very ancient retired Creators here on earth living in the form of human beings. What we call our Souls is actually the Creator Species that pre-existed the invention of Galaxies by our species of "Souls".

My thoughts on how we became capable of building galaxies I think is sort of how humans first (invented fire) when we took some of the fire from lightning strikes likely and began to keep some fire in coals alive ongoing even before the fire drill was invented. Then we invented the Wheel for better transportation of moving our goods and food and children from place to place possibly as hunter gatherers?

Then we found we could grow our own food if we stayed in the same place and didn't move around so much. We also found we could herd goats or sheep or cows as well. We likely were mobile herders before we were farmers by the way and traveling from grassy areas to newer grassy areas for our herds to feed on.

I see the Creator species being somewhat like this as we moved towards creating galaxies as our Farms or Ranches (likely both). This allowed us as Creators to have more children because a galaxy is an energy source as things convert from one thing in matter to another through stars burning up hydrogen into helium and on down the periodic table which eventually creates the stardust that planets and human bodies are actually made of.

My thought is that after the Creators starting building Galaxies like Farms they had more children and didn't have to struggle for survival as much as they did before Galaxies existed.

This is also true of humans when they started making farms and ranches too that they could have more children and organize in different ways into nations and communities and such as well.

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