Friday, October 14, 2016


  1. Incorrigible | Define Incorrigible at...
    Incorrigible definition, not corrigible; bad beyond correction or reform: incorrigible behavior; an incorrigible liar. See more. 

    Trump may have his good points. But in regard to women it is obvious that he is incorrigible.

    This is pretty obvious maybe except to women who like being sexually assaulted or raped by rich powerful white guys who are celebrities.

    If people wanted they likely could find hours of tapes of Trump talking much worse than the tape everyone in the world who speaks English likely has memorized already from seeing it so many times on the news. If you have listened to this tape even once you know that whatever women are saying about Trump having violated them is likely true. Actions speak much louder than words and we all know Trump is all about both words and actions in EVERYTHING he does.

    It is not hard to believe what the women say about him after what he said on this tape all by himself. I think the word (at least in relation to women has to be) INCORRIGIBLE.

    Trump lying to people saying he didn't do any of these things is just another example of just how incorrigible he is in regard to women.

    It might be hard to find a man this incorrigible towards women who isn't already in jail on some sexual offense or offenses towards women.

    And the only reason he isn't already is because he is a rich white billionaire who is a celebrity and that's the honest truth. 

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