Sunday, January 15, 2017

Mysterious Deaths?

I was thinking today what the probability was of Carrie Fisher dying in the last 10 minutes of likely a polar flight from London to Los Angeles?

I realized that the probability statistics would be out of sight for something like this.

The probability that it would be someone famous.
The probability that they would be 60 years old and not 70 plus.
The probability that it would happen in the last 10 minutes before landing so
there might be a way to survive this heart attack.

Then we have the next probability series which takes this whole thing completely off the charts:

The probability that this very world famous person who is the daughter of two very famous persons one of which later was married to Elizabeth Taylor, her father, Eddie Fisher the Singer who in his own right was almost right up there with Frank Sinatra. In fact, he might have been equally famous with Frank Sinatra had he not had alcohol and drug problems later.

So, what is the probability that Carrie Fisher could have died from a heart attack at age 60 and her mother, 84 would die within a few days.

I think when all the factors are added in  you likely have a probability factor in the 1 in a billion or even 1 in a trillion that all these things happened completely by accident.

And this is why I'm still not convinced someone didn't off Carrie Fisher and possibly her mother too.

Why would anyone do this?

Here is the reason I can think of right now.

Someone asked Carrie Fisher if Trump was a Coke head (cocaine) and he response was "Absolutely"

In other words Carrie Fisher said "Absolutely Trump is a coke head"

Within 2 months of this Carrie is dead and so is her mother.

Why would both be killed?

Because likely Carrie Fisher would have talked to her mother about this and the FSB under Putin didn't want to take any chances of losing their boy Trump so he wouldn't be inaugurated.

This sort of stuff is not unusual at all considering how many people Putin has had killed already.

 Senator John McCaine talks about how many people Putin has had killed often and calls him a thug.

However, here today we have another potential victim of Putin or Trump,  Representative John Lewis.

I think John Lewis just fell on his sword to get Trump out of office once and for all.

I think he knows he will be killed just like Martin Luther King was by J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI and this just how he wants to go out like his friend Martin Luther King.

So, if something unusual happens to John Lewis you and I will know that either Putin or Trump had him killed.

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