Thursday, October 18, 2018

A workable plan to save the human race is needed

1.5 degrees Celsius

Temperature rise at which we will begin to experience the worst effects of Climate change.


Minimum percentage of electricity that needs to be produced from renewable sources by 2050 to meet the target.

3.9 million square miles

Land recommended for reforestation.

end partial quote from page 12 of Time magazine October 22nd 2018

The reason we need to do reforestation is we need the oxygen that this area of land would give the human race to breathe. Otherwise we won't have oxygen enough to breathe.

There are really only two types of things that automatically make oxygen here on earth:
1. Trees and plants
2. Plankton

Since people are destroying the oceans through pollution and plastics, plankton likely will be dead this century from oceans too warm to support plankton.

So, if we don't grow 3.9 million more acres of trees a whole lot of us won't be breathing oxygen here on earth.

If the climate becomes too unstable (because of winds over 100 mph on a more regular basis) to keep trees alive (so they can make oxygen for us to breathe from the carbon dioxide we breathe out)  then likely most people will stop breathing within the next few centuries.

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