Friday, October 19, 2018

Global Warming: Often it's migrate or die!

Whether it's Central Americans leaving from Governments collapsing because of Gangs so they won't be killed or raped or forced into gangs or whether it's Africans and Middle Easterners leaving (for many of the same reasons), the real underlying cause of all this is overpopulation, Climate change, starvation, governments collapsing which causes warlords and gangs to take the place of governments through corruption of those governments worldwide.

So, the caravans of migrants coming to the U.S. instead of staying and dying is a completely natural occurrence caused by global Climate change which is caused by big corporations worldwide polluting the environment.

This is only going to increase exponentially as governments collapse one by one in places like Central America and Africa and the Middle East because of Global Climate change, overpopulation from a lack of birth control, the lack of potable water and food too expensive to buy for the average person etc.

So, when Fox News rails against migrants it is a lie based upon not accepting responsibility for the pollution caused by the companies that support Fox News. So, it is a lie on top of many other lies.

As long as all the present factors stay in place migration will naturally increase exponentially because people don't want to be killed or starve to death. There is no alternative but death for them at this point. It is either Death or Migrate!

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