Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Humans as transceivers

If you are unfamiliar what a transceiver is or does then think of your cell phone, for that is what it is.

If you have ever read a book called "The Secret Life of Plants" then you know that all life forms are transceivers, not just humans.
There is almost and infinite amount of communication not only between the cells of your body with each other but also with the cells of all humans, plants and animals in your vicinity 24 hours a day. Because human brains are designed to filter out all but the most necessary information for momentary survival each second our brains naturally filter out most extraneous information unless they are quiet and contemplative enough because of a feeling of safety and security either natural or consciously generated.

I have lived in California mostly since I was four years old in 1952. As a young man in college I drove a truck after my classes from San Diego County to the L.A. Flower Market in Los Angeles. Florists then bought the flowers that truckers like myself drove their on diesel semis and smaller trucks from various flower growing locations in southern California. I would leave with my loaded truck about 4 to 5 pm and return to San Diego where I lived then by midnight after unloading my truck in Los Angeles.

This would be about 1970 when I was 22 years old. Since I would get bored just listening to the radio and the noisy diesel truck engine with a 16 speed manual transmission and since I was always telepathic I would carry on telepathic conversations with other drivers. Though the belief systems of the average driver are much different now than then, let me share what happened.

Also, I have a much more refined sense of ethics now than I did in college then since studying with many masters both in the United States, India and Nepal in regard to telepathy in the years since then.

In 1970 only about 50% of the people believed in telepathy. So only about 50% of the people knew when I conversed with them. The kinds of responses I would get from those who believed in telepathy were everything from," Oh Hi. How are you. Which car are you in?" to " Get out of my mind! Shut up!" or just "I don't want to talk to you".

What was and is strange about telepathic conversation is that there is no formal etiquette in the western world to deal with this sort of thing. However, there is in cultures like East Indian and Tibetan. So when I was with east Indians and Tibetans who used this more formal method I was much more comfortable. However, common people don't give any psychic or physical space at all. So in those situations I often felt overwhelmed in those kinds of situations because from common people no right to even existence is recognized where (at least when I was there in 1985 and 6 there were often dead lying in the streets unattended).

Also, when I drove my truck there would be the other 50% who did not actively believe in telepathy and their reactions would be thinking that I was just one of their own stray thoughts and being kind of weirded out or confused by it. Or suddenly, even if they didn't believe in telepathy before they would realize someone outside their body was telepathically talking to them and they would freak out mentally and emotionally. At this point I would withdraw so they wouldn't have an accident.

Also, my motivation was never to harm or hurt anyone. It was more like one might talk to strangers at a bus stop waiting for a bus. Sort of like Forrest Gump waiting for a bus in the Tom Hanks movie. It was just something I would do when I was bored with nothing else to do.

Then there were the "hot girls' in cars going by that I would at 22 and single try to strike up a telepathic conversation with. These I found to always be interesting telepathically. Often the girls would realize who I was and smile up at me because among younger people(under 25) 75% to 90% of them believed in telepathy at that time. This last percentage is about what it is like on the freeway now in 2008.

The biggest difference is how women react to being admired telepathically now. Since women's liberation began in the 1960's there has been a marked change in the telepathic response of women(at least those who are educated and therefore have more self respect as a result). The reaction of an educated woman under 40 is often,"I am my own person and this is MY body and I don't want to be admired by anyone unless I choose who is admiring me."

Though I think this level of self respect is to be admired. Still, I think something very wonderful between men and women has been lost in the process, and it makes me very sad to contemplate this.

Also, telepathy is not just between humans and humans. It is also between humans and animals or humans and plants and is an ongoing experience on many amazing and wonderful levels.

There is also another level many are not familiar with. In my family we also communicate with cars, trucks, boats and planes. This ability has saved my life on many occasions because I can ask any vehicle if it is safe to ride in and the vehicle always knows. This has saved my life on countless occasions, especially in planes and cars and trucks. Many people with mechanical ability also have this ability too. The two seem to go hand in hand.

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