Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama must be Protected

As a psychic I would say the average president has a 25% chance of being assasinated. Because Obama is the first black President he has about a 50% chance of being assasinated. And the real problem is that racists tend to be persistent much like terrorists.
Because of this it is very important that Obama be protected at a much higher level of security than past white presidents.

I lived through the Kennedy Assasination and it really messed this country up. People who didn't live through the 1960s might say, "What was wrong with the 1960s anyway?" Well, having lived through it I would say what was wrong was: the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Kennedy Assasination, the Draft, the Viet Nam War that lasted about 10 years or more and a whole lot of really angry to the point of rioting about it draft age kids whose friends were being drafted and hauled off to Viet Nam for a war many didn't understand in the first place. All this and more was very very wrong. And to make matters worse the people who were not being drafted looked at those who were and said, "What's wrong?" and then didn't like the answers young people gave and then clubbed them, beat them and killed them in the streets. That's what was wrong.

So, I guess what I'm saying here is please don't let Obama be assasinated like JFK, Bobby Kennedy or Martin Luther King. People who lived through all that still haven't gotten over it all even now. If Obama were assasinated I would fear for the future of our nation!

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