Sunday, November 16, 2008

Falling Oil consumption gives Humans a second chance

With all the horrible news of the past few years there is one bit of good news for our children and grandchildren.

As an intuitive and as a precognitive psychic I can say that when I now look into the future, instead of seeing for sure about 100 years more of human civilization on earth, I now see 400 to 500 more years of human civilization on earth. Directly from the drop of oil consumption already and all the almost infinite chain reactions this has created, about 400 new years of human civilization has been created for humanity.

This extra 400 to 500 years might be enough time for our worlds civilizations to adapt to a new world where oil is only for making things like plastic and not for burning anymore. So, for our children and theirs and theirs and theirs and theirs this is a very good thing. However, as we all know, without burning oil millions of people will likely starve. So, have hope for the future generations both born and unborn. They have a second chance. But for us here on earth as adults now it might be difficult. However, remember "There are no problems, only opportunities". If you live this motto you will survive and survive well, my friends.

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