Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cholera: A Potential World Wide Threat Now

It is very troubling to me that Cholera has killed hundreds right now in Africa. Especially because of suicide Terrorists. It is very bad timing indeed that American and British tourists are being kidnapped in Mumbai, India at this time. It would take only one or two suicide terrorists who have consciously exposed themselves to cholera to infect all hostages from America and Britain in Mumbai or elsewhere. If this is not addressed and I am right it could become catastrophic for the developed world!

I think it is important that all hostages when and if released be checked for Cholera, TB, AIDS and other highly infectious diseases before the hostages are allowed back to their native countries.

It is important that you take me seriously because I am a precognitive psychic and have been all my life. The sooner this is addressed the less problem it will be potentially.

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