Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Somali Piracy: Beginning of Mad Max?


Somalia is a country that hasn't had a stable government for around 20 years. Remember, the Movie "Blackhawk Down" was about Somalia 10 or 15 years ago during the Clinton Administration.

The kinds of problems the world is facing now will be 10s or 20s of nations like Somalia. When 1 to 10 percent of the world controls most of the wealth there is such inequity that if you could imagine yourself starving and having absolutely no choice but to join a gang or die, then you might begin to understand why things are moving the way they are on earth.

For people to be incarcerated or killed just because they are doing the only thing they know to stay alive is a crime against humanity and will permanently destabilize human civilization on earth if left unchecked.

These kinds of things could be swept under the rug to some extent before the internet. But now it is in the open worldwide for all to see. If these kinds of problems are not addressed fairly for All the people on earth, the rips and tears in society worldwide will only increase until there is no REAL civilization left at all!

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