Friday, November 21, 2008

The Times of Jesus

In the times of Jesus most people were uneducated and never went more than 10 to 25 miles from the place of their birth, ever.

This made people very provincial and not open to new ideas or experiences that deviated in any way from the ones they knew and trusted. Also, it was very difficult if not impossible to be accepted if you were from another area or country among such people out in the country.

So, if Jesus did travel to India to study about Buddha and Mahasiddhas and Guru type stuff because he was gifted both intuitively and intellectually and was extremely experimental yet pragmatic, then he also knew how to speak to the provincial people of his era and where he grew up.

Even though he had traveled the world and knew things they could not even imagine about life, speaking about all that to them would have only confused most of them. So he simplified his knowledge into ways that all in his provincial country could understand. It is important to note that the majority of his followers could not read or write.

He was of the aristocracy by birth because he was literally a Prince of the House of David. David who slew Goliath was a direct ancestor of his and everyone knew this.

Because of all these things Jesus or Yesu(Aramaic for Jesus) learned many things not known or even understood by the common people of his era. This was just natural for someone of aristocratic birth because of having been related to King David. So, the advantages politically and religiously for his family cannot be overestimated despite his humble birth.His family being related to David had clout historically and religiously and spiritually. That is a given.

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