Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chimpanzee: The Documentary

Since I wanted to help donate to the Jane Goodall Foundation I went with my wife to see "Chimpanzee" the first week so money would be donated to her foundation during the first week of its showing.

Freddie, is the Alpha Male and Oscar is a Chimpanzee baby that loses his mother to a Cheetah after an inter-tribal skirmish. Freddie, being an extremely strong and smart Chimpanzee tribal leader, takes care of Oscar the baby because no one else will because of too many babies. It is amazing how strategic in thinking Freddie is in taking care of his tribe of Chimpanzees and protecting them from an invading tribe. So, watching his intelligence, long term, with Freddie's tenderness and care of Oscar makes us see just how potentially intelligent and almost human like Chimpanzees really can be.

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