Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nepotism and Racism

Nepotism is basically the same as Cronyism where people get hired because they are related to the boss or friends of the Boss. This is a problem in every country. And the last several years it has definitely been "who you know rather than what you know". Nepotism isn't racism but it tends to create racist outcomes in countries all over the world. Nepotism always favors the haves over the have-nots and it favors the people who know people who are wealthy over the people who don't. So, in this way nepotism makes sure relatives and friends have jobs first which in this country means white people have more jobs than blacks or other minorities. It is the same in every country (though it is not in all countries where the whites have the jobs). Though it is a fact of life everywhere on earth in bad times it creates incredible resentment in the have nots of all races who starve and who die without jobs and who don't get properly educated.

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