Saturday, April 14, 2012

If We are in a Geomagnetic Excursion

The above articles are quotes and comments that I wrote and gathered on this subject already.
So it appears that we could be in a geomagnetic excursion or in the process of a pole shift already this year. Here are some of the signs. First, the magnetic north keeps gathering speed faster and faster each year (now 55 miles a year) and is now heading from Canada more and more quickly each year towards Siberia. Researchers have said that this movement is caused by changes in the magnetic fields in the Core of the planet likely in relation to the solar Storms from the sun. This likely is a normal cycle for earth in the range somewhere of thousands of years. So then, the big question is: Are we in a geomagnetic excursion or are we in a slow polar shift? The cracks in our magnetosphere that are allowing harmful changes to life on earth and electrical devices from solar storms might be part of the questions that need to be answered. If a solar storm, for example was as large as the Carrington Effect in 1859 likely most cell phones, satellites, power plants, etc. might be inoperable for a while until new ones were built or manufactured and many oil pipelines might explode and possibly many power lines might melt or fall down as well. In other words the effect likely would be similar to a strong Electromagnetic pulse. And because of the cracks now from a likely geomagnetic excursion in our magnetosphere this could happen any time the sun had a major enough solar storm projected in the direction of our planet. So, on  one level this is just a matter of time just like it is only a matter of time before a really big earthquake hits California again. But that time could be 1 year or 100 or even 300 years. This is the point. But, it is sort of inevitable that these things happen within about 500 years to California and to earth.

Note: Later that day. I was thinking that the cracks in the magnetosphere could cause problems like the misfiring North Korean rocket, failure of satellites before and after launch and all sorts of problems people are having electronically with all sorts of devices, (likely millions or more) right now both on earth and in orbit or geosynchronous orbit around earth or near Venus or in orbit around the sun etc.
As the North magnetic pole moves approximately 795 feet or more per day towards Siberia (55 plus miles per year), magnetic north can't really be completely effectively used for accurate navigation. So now, only GPS satellites are completely accurate for navigation(usually within 3 feet) and that is only true when there isn't a solar storm going on that is affecting the GPS satellites in Geosynchronos orbit above earth.(Also, during a powerful solar storm recently GPS went down to within 33 feet of accuracy because of the storm which might have been dangerous for planes and ships under some conditions). I'm not sure how ongoing breaks in the magnetosphere caused by  the apparently present Geomagnetic excursion which is continuing on through sometimes daily changes for the next couple of years from Solar Mass ejections  figure into all this on a daily basis. So, hopefully a combination of scientists and sensors connected to ongoing computer research on a daily basis can figure this out more so the least amount of people die from navigation errors worldwide, especially in passenger planes and remote hikers and ships in the fog. However, for sailors with a clear sky at night there are always sextants during solar Storms to double check positions in the oceans.

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