Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Freedom of Speech Freedom of the Press

Though Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press are sacrosanct in this country for hundreds of years now it may be that since we literally now live in a worldwide internet culture which in some ways has annihilated all borders on earth, that in this kind of world it may be necessary to have penalties when free speech causes deaths in this country or others. Though Free Speech should be sacrosanct to create justice in the U.S. it should also not be license to kill worldwide by saying things that will always get people injured or killed both here and abroad. So, there needs to be some way to keep people from creating wars just by being idiots and saying stupid things that are not useful or polite.

We all now live in a world where whatever one person (one of 7 billion) says online could create a world war that snuffs out all of us in one fell swoop. We need to update our legal systems worldwide to encompass these changes. Otherwise, Goodbye World!

Maybe one way to do this would be to prosecute people who put stuff online that gets people killed other places. This would be a start!

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