Wednesday, September 26, 2012

You Need your Emotions to make Good Decisions

The Problem of Legal Mood Altering Drugs and Amnes...

Above is an article I wrote about things that suppress either emotional memory or brain memory.

It might seem kind of sad that the only way to survive the times were are presently entering into is to experience your own sometimes horrific emotions, but likely, for now there might be no other way to make it through the next 20 or 30 years of life on earth. In good times (we are not there) people might make really bad decisions and they still might be fed and clothed by wealthy relatives or upper middle class relatives. But, when I look around the world as an intuitive this now is less likely on a probability level to happen now and on into the future.

The main reason this is becoming a problem is that (no matter how you define the causes this is what appears to be happening) there are just too many people and not enough resources to sustain all those alive. Now you might say something like "Duh!" which means you already knew that. But I'm talking about something more severe than you or I have ever seen in our lifetimes since World War II and the Great Depression.

Basically, there are just too many people in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world countries for people in 1st and 2nd world countries not to begin to panic. You might think that Muslims are rioting against the U.S. and Europe because of a stupid movie against Mohammed on the Internet but that is just an excuse for rioting because they are starving and living on 1 dollar or 2 dollars a day and are  people that mostly can't read or know anything about U.S. or European culture or governmental systems to know better.

2nd: How many times have you seen Japan and China burn each others companies down in their countries and the governments allow it to happen? How often have you seen Taiwan and Japan use military ships with water cannon to fight over those same Islands where there is a lot of fish and there is oil below. We are in very strange times and I would say they are just beginning.

How did we get here? There are several reasons how we got here.

The first reason we got here is western medicine.
Have you ever heard the addage "too much of a good thing is a bad thing"?
In the case of western medicine we saved so many lives we now can't survive it because they all cannot be fed that resulted from this saving.

2nd: Globalization: When Globalization began when anyone anywhere can order anything online to be sent to them from anywhere at about 1/4 of the cost as before this took wealth from high wage nations and sent it to low wage nations. So, low wage nations got richer and high wage more developed nations got poorer and more in debt. You see the direct result in the depression in Europe (especially Greece and Spain) and the only 2% GDP increase in the U.S. per year now.

3rd: Whatever you want to call it the weather is changing from what it was. Butterflies in the Northeast that have never been seen before are moving northwards from the South. Buterflies from further south into Mexico are moving into the south. Butterflies from the northeast are now moving into Canada. This only happens when climate change is more permanent. Insects and animal and bird species that cannot adapt by moving to higher altitudes or moving to another area simply die off. And the same with people. If they cannot adapt (for whatever the reasons and don't move they likely won't do well or die too).

So, when too many changes (Weather, Globalization, better health care worldwide) creates too many people to be sustained by the present Global System of businesses and governments people begin to panic. The last time we saw this all over the world was the Great Depression and World War II.

When that happened about 100 million people died just from the war. And since there are now around 7 times as many people here on earth the toll likely over the next 10 to 20 years will likely be around 7 times as many or more. So, it is realistic to think that approximately 1 billion people might be gone during the next generation until the human race reaches some new kind of equilibrium.

During times like these spirituality, discipline and family groups including friends are going to be very very important around the Globe.

By the way I hope I'm completely wrong. But likely looking at things the way they presently are on earth unfortunately I have a feeling that I am right.

So, why do you need to feel everything in times like these? The answer: Because this is the way we are designed as human beings. We are designed to access our most powerful and primitive senses through our emotions. So, the combination of mind and senses(which are tied into our deepest survival instincts) will save each of our lives during times like these. And all kinds of legal or illegal artificial drugs will tend to mask these senses and interfere with our survival both individually and as a species of humans on earth.

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