Sunday, September 16, 2012

Regarding Stephen Hawkings theory that Black Holes Eventually Disappear

I am not a physicist and I don't even consider myself to be an intellectual. However, I have always had two gifts, bone crunching unflinching logic and being what I can only call an intuitive and some call this being an "Intuitive Genius" which some might call an extreme form of instinct that is mixed with life experience.

So, when I heard about Hawkings theory tonight that Black Holes eventually disappear I immediately knew the mechanism involved. The mechanism I wrote about in my online books. And I was told what it was by what I call a Creator which is the species that builds galaxies. So, what it looks like is this:

The universe which is 96% dark matter is somehow both positive and negative charged fields living in harmony with each other. We don't as humans normally recognize dark matter simply because it in some ways has neither time nor space so we don't completely recognize it as a continuum yet. So, creators can live in dark matter (from whence they originally sprang as a species) but they can also live in a matter universe (through the galaxies they create to better eat transitioning energies and matter) and they can also live in anti-matter as well as in Black Holes).

So,  since a Black hole is necessary for any galaxy to exist it appears that it is the key to this whole thing. Somehow black holes in the center of each galaxy separate dark matter into matter and anti-matter and the joiner between the two poles or fields is the Black hole in the center which joins the matter galaxy and the anti-matter galaxy. So, as the fields eventually degrade together of matter galaxy and anti-matter galaxy which is joined directly through the Black hole, the Black hole slowly fades from existence too back into dark matter in waves through which it originally sprang. I was trying to use a reference of something similar that happens here on earth but the closest I can come is the oceans of the world. If you made dykes like are in Holland a lot and the ocean rose and eventually overtopped those dykes you might have a similar effect of dark matter reclaiming it's own back from Time Space, Black hole(s) and anti-mattter continuum.

But, I really can't think of a better example here on earth at present but there must be something someone can think of to illustrate what I'm saying here better.

Maybe what happens when an electrical generating station gets overloaded and slowly starts to shut down might be a better illustration if we could say when alternating current goes one direction from the plant to all the homes and businesses that would be the Time Space Continuum but when it cycles back the other way that would be Anti-matter continuum. The generating station in some ways would have to be the black hole which is in neither the time space continuum or the anti-matter continuum or one could say it is in all three states at once in some ways depending upon how you view all this.

So, at some point in (Time?) (I don't think time is the right word in regard to this) (at some point) the field degrades in both the time space continuum of the galaxy and the continuum of the anti-matter galaxy and of the continuum of the transitional black hole and so it then collapses eventually into ocean like waves until the storm of matter and anti-matter dies down eventually into dark matter which is 96% of the known universe once again which has neither time nor space but still exists in it's own continuum.

I hope I have explained this hypothesis or Theory so that it is more useful to you all the next 10,000 years or so here on earth.

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