Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Full Body Food Awareness

I could have called this "The Full Body Cellular Food Orgasm" but I thought better of it.

It was almost 1pm and for some reason I hadn't eaten anything yet today other than water since I got up at 7 am to drive my daughter to school. So, I realized it might be good for me to make some fresh organic juice. I hadn't made a group of juices (vegetable and fruit mixed) fresh for a couple of days now. After doing 5 days recently on mostly vegetable and fruit juices I had  sort of needed a break.

But, as I moved over to my refrigerator and took out the chard, kale, ginger roots, carrots, apples, spearmint, pineapple (all organic and fresh) I felt all the cells in my body getting really excited and happy. They knew what I would soon be giving them and they were unbelievably happy. I was really amazed to be experiencing just how incredibly happy every cell in my body was to be able to drink the fresh alive vegetable and fruit juice that I was making for my wife, myself and my daughter's boyfriend. And as I was experiencing this I thought to myself, "Wow! This is really amazing. It reminds me of how I felt as a 13 year old boy whenever I saw a really beautiful woman. But this time it is every cell of my body rejoicing in having something really healthy to feed each one. Amazing!

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