Friday, August 29, 2014


I realized that the word "Pinko" isn't used much anymore. However, I used this word recently in describing something in an article I wrote. So, I thought I might describe this word more since many may not have understood the concept in this statement I made:

The story I would like to tell is what happened to me during the 1950s and 1960s. People in my church would say to me, "Don't go to college or you won't be a member of our church anymore. You would become a pinko college student and think you are better than all of us and start drinking and partying and smoking cigarrettes."
Here is one definition of "Pinko"
Contrary to popular belief, used to describe Socialists, as Communism = Red, and Capitalism = White. (See Russian Revolution in your history text book) Red + White = Pink. Therefore, Socialism = Pink.
Boy howdy, I just read The Jungle, and gee whilickers is Upton Sinclair ever a pinko!
by Nemuko May 07, 2003 
Though I did not ever become a "Pinko" I was exposed to many of them in college. I sort of saw people who were "Pinkos" even then as sort of lost in idealism.
I was always too realistic and pragmatic by nature to be taken in with thinking this way. I saw people who were just so idealistic and impractical often thought this way especially rich egg heads with no real life experience working in the real blue collar world where the rubber meets the road.
So, actually being a pinko I just saw as young people with no real work experience in the real world and who might never have the experiences the average person would have because of being sheltered from the suffering of average people everywhere.
So, my concept of a pinko is a young person who doesn't get it yet.
However, you are welcome to disagree with me.

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