Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Water is likely the tipping point this century for mankind

As water born diseases increase as less and less potable water is available all over the world, I'm thinking the tipping point for world population reduction just might be water. We are not sea creatures. We cannot drink saltwater and live and even though the blood in our bodies has the same salinity as the ocean we are not built to drink seawater without dying from drinking it all the time.

So, as the world's aquifers are drained of water people will either have to move to the oceans to boil sea water to be able to drink water or they likely will die as this century moves on and populations increase until there isn't enough water for anyone to drink most places on earth.

So, I think desalinating water and cheaper and better methods to take the salt out of seawater likely will be developed this century so at least some people can survive the draining of the world's main aquifers this century and beyond.

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